Thursday, December 31, 2015

Here are some products I am going to try in January, 2016.

Phosphatidylserine is important for cell membranes. Sunflower is a good source if you are avoiding soy products, for whatever reason.

Magnesium is supposed to help insomniacs. Magnesium can have a laxative effect, unfortunately. This L-Threonate version is also supposed to pass the blood-brain barrier, making magnesium more available to the noggin.

Creatine is known to body-builders, but apparently it also can help the brain form memories and perform tasks. Wow, I look forward to that!

Citicoline is a source of choline, which is part of acetylcholine, a brain neurotransmitter.

Relora? Have almost no idea! Never heard of it until today, was reading The Everything Guide to Nootropics: Boost your brain function with smart drugs and memory supplements by Evan Brand.

2015 Winding Down

Wow, just a few hours left in 2015 and I can't remember adding to my old blog all year. In fact, when I try to access it, I can't even figure out how to add a new post. I guess Google has been messing about.

Why bother? Does anyone read blogs? Who has time? I'm still trying to listen to Podcasts. There are so many things competing for time.

Well, it's a public diary of thoughts and intentions. So here goes!

Resolutions for 2016

1) Get to the gym a few times a week

2) Cut out some sugar and other naughties

3) Get to a Meetup at least four times this year

4) Finish that Biochem class by end of January

5) Plan a few getaways