Thursday, December 31, 2015

Here are some products I am going to try in January, 2016.

Phosphatidylserine is important for cell membranes. Sunflower is a good source if you are avoiding soy products, for whatever reason.

Magnesium is supposed to help insomniacs. Magnesium can have a laxative effect, unfortunately. This L-Threonate version is also supposed to pass the blood-brain barrier, making magnesium more available to the noggin.

Creatine is known to body-builders, but apparently it also can help the brain form memories and perform tasks. Wow, I look forward to that!

Citicoline is a source of choline, which is part of acetylcholine, a brain neurotransmitter.

Relora? Have almost no idea! Never heard of it until today, was reading The Everything Guide to Nootropics: Boost your brain function with smart drugs and memory supplements by Evan Brand.

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  1. Greetings!

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